Gaming Influencer Marketing Agency

The Goat Agency has been plugged into the gaming space for over 8 years, delivering award-nominated campaigns for the likes of Deep Silver, Football Manager, Crash, EA and more!

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Influencer marketing in the gaming sector

Gaming is among the highest mediums in media consumption online, and was one of the first sectors to really capitalise on influencer marketing.

In fact, gaming influencers are still one of the most popular types of influencer, particularly amongst males aged 18-34 (23% are actively following gaming personalities). With the Gamerverse becoming more and more diverse, there are huge opportunities for publishers looking to reach their audiences.

And it’s not just on Twitch either. Publishers are increasingly taking to platforms like InstagramTikTok, and YouTube to partner with top creators.


Approximately 3 billion people worldwide play video games
approximately 60% of top creators partner with brands, however the gaming influencer space remains somewhat untapped
12 million impressions and more than 1 million players to Deep Silver's Saints Row game within the first 3 months
We over performed on video views by +124%
We drove 15K+ clicks across the entire campaign

Goat's Gaming Marketing Services

Relaunching Saints Row through influencers and social

What makes The Goat Agency Gaming influencer marketing different?

Centralization on a global scale

The Goat Agency specializes in running influencer marketing campaigns globally. Our clients come to us for a centralized approach to global marketing, meaning your brand can tap into new markets without the implications of varying outlets.

Guaranteed results & deliverables

At The Goat Agency we guarantee our results and deliverables prior to the launch of each project. By following this formula we’ve been able to surpass client expectations, time and time again.

Powered by influencers

Our campaigns come to life through the expertize and personalities attached to influencers. We’ve built long-lasting relationships with the best gaming influencers on social, enabling us to connect brands with hyper-engaged communities in the areas they’re looking to target

Data tracking & personalization

From paid media to influencer content, we track every minute detail. This means more personalized campaigns that align brand values with the core interests of targeted audiences… along with finding the right creators to bring the messaging to life.

Learn more about us

Gamerverse Insights

Gaming is fast becoming the most popular form of entertainment in the world, even overtaking TV, music and film amongst Gen Zers. So how can brands become a part of the Gamerverse in a meaningful, relevant way?

We explore the trends and communities that make up the Gamerverse, as well as how brands can “level up” their own connection and cultural relevance.

From the metaverse and esports, to Twitch and creators, we share inspiration, tips and examples from those doing it well!

Read More
2023 report: How your brand can level up in the gamerverse



We have a specialist team that works with industry leading gaming publishers and brands on best-in-class social media and influencer strategies. We can help you reach new audiences, expand into new markets, and drive awareness, consideration, and conversions for your releases.

Globalmap US1 US2 UK Singapore Australia



It's time to unlock the power of influencer marketing. If you're a gaming publisher looking to scale, get in touch to discuss your goals.


Gaming marketing FAQs

What social platforms do you use?

We’re fluent across the top social media platforms, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, InstagramTikTokYouTube and Twitch. Check out our platform pages to learn more about marketing on each platform.

Does influencer marketing always work?

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tools available to marketers today. Its success is dependant on varying factors, such as brand goals, product and target audience alignment among other things. But… we do GUARANTEE our deliverables!

Why should I use Goat over the other influencer platforms available?

You want guaranteed results…right? We’ve got you covered. We’re the industry leader for influencer marketing, and with over 8 years of successful campaigns delivered in multiple territories across the globe, we’ve got it all under one roof.

How does influencer marketing integrate with my other digital marketing channels?

Influencer marketing enables a cohesive integration with other digital channels. For example, we’ve sent influencers to in-person events which brands can promote through their social, web and email channels. Influencer-driven giveaways are great for cross-platform promotion too, as does repurposing influencer content for your external channels. Get in touch if you want to learn more.

Who will be working on my account?

Goat provides each client with their own dedicated account manager whose role is to oversee the entire process and campaign and to be your first point of contact. They will oversee a chosen team of campaign specialists, social media strategists, social media managers, and paid media specialists to provide a full end-to-end service.

How do you find influencers?

We have built an influencer database with information and data from the thousands of campaigns we’ve run on behalf of clients.

We use this database to quickly identify the influencers we think would be the best fit for a campaign. This could be based on their interests, their audience demographics, their engagement rates, or the types of content they create.

Alongside our own database, our team are constantly seeking out additional influencers, particularly those that are recently emerging or seeing steady growth.

Once we have a wide list, we’ll then hone in to choose the best influencers for this specific campaign.

Which platforms work best in the gaming industry?

The gaming industry thrives on platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. Twitch provides a dedicated space for live streaming gameplay, fostering real-time interaction between gamers and their audience. YouTube allows gaming brands to showcase trailers, gameplay footage, and tutorials, reaching a wide audience and enabling long-form content. Instagram and TikTok, with their visual nature, are ideal for sharing gaming-related imagery, behind-the-scenes content, and engaging with a community through hashtags and interactive features like Stories and Reels. These platforms provide the gaming industry with diverse opportunities to engage and connect with their target audience, making them the top choices for gaming brands.

Other Industries

We've launched successful campaigns across various different industries. Learn more about how to market in these sectors below.