Instagram Influencer Marketing Agency

Goat is an award-winning, global social media agency with expertize in Instagram marketing. We deliver organic, paid and influencer strategies and activations for our brand partners.

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Why should brands invest in Instagram influencer marketing?

Instagram remains one of the most effective social media platforms for brand marketers. Evolving from a photo-sharing app to a video and image-led social media and entertainment channel, there are now over 1.3 billion active monthly users worldwide.

Unlike TikTok, the platform is heavily based around following and interacting with your chosen accounts, so it’s crucial that brands invest in building a community and engaged following.


Platform icon


of consumers use Instagram to discover new products or services


research products and brands


make a final purchasing decision


Check out our Instagram marketing case studies and learn how influencer marketing and paid media have delivered impressive results for leading brands across the USA, UK, Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world.

Our Instagram Marketing Services

Instagram profile as seen on a smart phone screen

Why Choose Goat for Instagram Marketing & Advertising?

Our expertize

We’ve delivered thousands of Instagram campaigns for the most exciting and forward-thinking brands in the world, spanning every sector and every continent. The learnings and insights we’ve built over the past decade are unparalleled and our team is always on top of the latest trends and platform updates.

Our team

We provide our clients with a team of Instagram influencer marketing specialists. These include our Campaigns team, our Paid Social team, our Social Commerce team, and our Strategy team. They work together and alongside our clients to first build a strategy, and then deliver a campaign, that will achieve the desired goals.

Our data

We have meticulously built a database of Instagram influencers across every niche, vertical, audience and KPI. This enables us to identify the best influencers for your campaign outcome. We also have an in-house Data & Insights team to ensure that we continue to build on our existing knowledge and share it with our clients.

Our results

Our results speak for themselves. We’ve built long-term partnerships with some of the world’s biggest brands from the US to the UK and APAC after proving time and time again that we deliver.

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Instagram Marketing for Brands in All Major Industries

We offer Instagram Marketing for businesses in a range of sectors in multiple markets:



We specialize in driving revenue using influencers. If you are a brand looking to scale, get in touch to discuss your goals.


What makes Instagram a great social media marketing channel?

Instagram’s value as a marketing channel lies in its highly engaged audience. It’s estimated that Instagram has the highest engagement rates of all social networking sites – while Facebook has more users, Instagram has a 23% better engagement rate. It’s also extremely popular with millennials and Gen Zers, who are notoriously more difficult to reach through traditional media channels like TV and radio.

The platform encourages active following, meaning that users tend to be much more engaged, invested and interactive with their network. This is certainly the case with creators on Instagram. They tend to have very engaged followers which makes it a highly effective channel for influencer marketing. At the same time, there are still a lot of avenues for discovery. Instagram’s Search and Explore page allows users to see a variety of reels and images from accounts they may not follow. Paid advertising can also be used to serve content within a user’s Instagram feed or amongst Instagram Stories.

The visual nature of the platform makes it a highly effective tool for brands to get their message across quickly. Partnering with influencers also helps to build awareness and consideration, as users are introduced to a brand through a creator they already trust.

What is Instagram?

Instagram is a social networking app allowing users to share photos and videos.

Created in 2010, it has maintained its popularity through constant innovation and introduction of new features such as Instagram Stories, Instagram Live, Instagram Shopping and Instagram Reels.

With over 1.3 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a key marketing channel for most brands and businesses, particularly for those looking to reach millennials and Gen Zers.

The algorithm shows content to users based on their interests and behaviours, making it a great way for brands to reach their desired audiences organically. While Instagram ads allow us to reach untapped audiences, achieving significant, but targeted, reach.

Instagram creators and influencers are a big reason for the platform’s popularity, with some of the most popular types of content including travel, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, luxury, fitness and health/wellness. Users tend to be very engaged with the accounts they follow, interacting through likes, comments and shares.

Instagram FAQs

What types of advertising can you do on Instagram?

We specialise in influencer campaigns on Instagram. We also deliver paid campaigns for both branded and influencer content, as well as Instagram strategy, social commerce, and Instagram content production services.

Why is Instagram good for marketing?

Instagram’s value as a marketing channel lies in its highly engaged audience.

It’s estimated that Instagram has the highest engagement rates of all social networking sites – while Facebook has more users, Instagram has a 23% better engagement rate.

It’s also extremely popular with millennials and Gen Zers, who are notoriously more difficult to reach through traditional media channels like TV and radio.

How do Instagram Influencer campaigns work with Goat?

First, we align with you on the goal and purpose of the campaign – what is it that we want to achieve? We’ll then build a strategy that enables us to reach these goals.

Using our proprietary database and additional market research, the Goat team will source influencers based on campaign objectives and desired demographics. Our Campaigns team take full ownership of the influencer management side of the campaign, from agreeing the terms with influencers and organising logistics surrounding content creation, to ensuring the content goes live and managing payments.

Alongside the Campaigns team, our Paid Social team will also manage any paid media activations, tracking the campaign from start to finish and ensuring we are on track to meet/supersede the agreed deliverables.

Following the campaign, we will provide our client with a full Post Campaign Analysis Report, providing insights, learnings and recommendations.

Throughout the whole process, you will have a dedicated Account Manager whose role is to oversee the entire account and be your first point of contact.

How much experience do the Goat team have on Instagram ads?

As an agency, Goat has been running Instagram influencer campaigns since 2015. We have extensive experience on the platform, having run thousands of campaigns for different clients across a variety of regions and verticals.

Will I get my own dedicated account manager?

Absolutely! Goat provides each client with their own dedicated account manager whose role is to oversee the entire process and campaign and to be your first point of contact.

How much of a say will I get as a client on my Instagram campaign?

Goat takes full responsibility for campaign execution, from influencer selection to content approval. However, we of course work with our clients to make sure all sides are fully comfortable with the strategy and approach before we begin. We ask you to fill in a briefing form which we can then discuss and ensure we’re aligned. We’ll then create an influencer brief that you can review before any outreach begins

What is the average success rate of Instagram marketing?

The Goat Agency guarantees deliverables for our clients before the start of a campaign.

So should we for any reason under deliver based on the agreed KPIs, we will continue to contract more influencers/content until we have met them.

This means that our clients know exactly what they’re getting for their budget before committing.

How long does an Instagram campaign run for?

This will depend entirely on the budget and the objective.

For example, if launching a new product, it may be that the best strategy is to generate as much ‘noise’ as possible over a short period of time in the lead up to launch. On the other hand, a longer term brand building campaign may require months of always-on activity.

We will work with you to determine your goals and agree the best route for success.

Which types of brands benefit most from Instagram marketing?

Instagram marketing can work for any brand, regardless of size or sector. It’s all about how you use it.

As long as you have a well thought out strategy, you can use Instagram to drive action throughout the whole marketing funnel.

Challenger brands can use it to grow awareness of their products or services. Established brands with already-high recognition can use it to build loyalty, trust and consideration. And all brands can use it to drive conversions in the form of website visits or purchases.

How do you pick Instagram Influencers for a campaign?

We have built an influencer database with information and data from the thousands of campaigns we’ve run on behalf of clients.

We use this database to quickly identify the influencers we think would be the best fit for a campaign. This could be based on their interests, their audience demographics, their engagement rates, or the types of content they create.

Alongside our own database, our team are constantly seeking out additional influencers, particularly those that are recently emerging or seeing steady growth.

Once we have a wide list, we’ll then hone in to choose the best influencers for this specific campaign.

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