Award-winning Twitch marketing agency

Goat is a global social media agency with expertise in Twitch marketing. We help brands to reach and engage gaming communities through influencer campaigns and partnerships.

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Since 2015, Goat has been at the forefront of the social media and influencer marketing industry.
We’ve delivered hundreds of creator-led Twitch campaigns for brands and gaming publishers, and have been shortlisted for Social Media Agency of the Year at the 2022 Campaign Global Agency Awards.
Our team includes Twitch experts with a deep-rooted understanding of the communities and cultures that make up the platform. They work with our clients to create campaigns that will get cut through and drive action.

Let's Discuss Your Brand
Platform icon

58 Million

Hours of content a day on the platform


Of the market share in terms of hours watched (compared to youtube and facebook)

What makes Goat's Twitch marketing different?


We’ve delivered hundreds of Twitch campaigns for the most exciting and forward-thinking brands in the world, spanning every sector and every continent. The learnings and insights we’ve built are unparalleled and our team is always on top of the latest trends and platform updates.


We provide our clients with a team of Twitch marketing specialists. These include our Campaigns team, our Paid media team, and our Strategy team. They work together and alongside our clients to first build a strategy, and then deliver a campaign, that will achieve the desired goals.


We have meticulously built a database of Twitch creators across every niche, vertical, audience and KPI. This enables us to identify the best influencers for your campaign outcome. We also have an in-house Data & Insights team to ensure that we continue to build on our existing knowledge and share it with our clients.


Our results speak for themselves. We’ve built longterm partnerships with some of the world’s biggest brands from the US to the UK and beyond after proving time and time again that we deliver.

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We deliver creative, full-funnel campaigns via Twitch creators. If you're looking to take your brand's Twitch marketing strategy to the next level, get in touch!


View all Twitch case studies

Check out our Twitch social media marketing case studies and learn how influencer marketing and paid media have delivered impressive results for leading brands across the USAUKSingapore and the rest of the world.

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Unlike any other social media platform, Twitch focuses solely on live streaming. It also has more of a niche than the likes of Instagram and TikTok as the majority of users are still there for video game content.

It’s a great platform for viewers looking to spend longer periods watching their favourite creators, and the commenting and live interaction really deepens the connection between a streamer and their subscriber.

There also tends to be a lot of discussion between users on the threads, which is how it lends itself to being a social media network as well as a streaming platform.

Following the acquisition by Amazon, Twitch enabled Prime members to subscribe to their favourite creators for free, further enhancing the connection between viewer and creator.

Which services do the Goat Agency offer on Twitch?



We deliver creative, full-funnel campaigns via Twitch creators. If you're looking to take your brand's Twitch marketing strategy to the next level, get in touch!


Twitch FAQs

Why is Twitch good for marketing?

Twitch is a highly interactive and engaging platform. The voice of the viewer carries significant importance as streamers rely on their support for monetisation, so if a brand partners with a popular Twitch creator, they know that streamer has built a very engaged community.

The platform is hugely popular amongst Gen Z and millennials, so for brands struggling to capture the attention of this audience, Twitch is a great channel to invest in.

And while many people may have a certain stereotype of what a ‘gamer’ is (normally a teenage boy), this just isn’t the case anymore.

Young women and girls are a big part of the gaming community. In fact, 20% of Twitch’s audience are female, and this is increasing every year.

The platform is also growing fast and diversifying its content away from just gaming. There are now so many developing content niches, from live art and DI-ing, to ASMR and DIY, so it’s a great channel for tapping into some of these communities and interests.

What types of advertising can you do on Twitch?

At Goat, we specialise in partnering brands with relevant Twitch streamers and creators.

There are a number of different ways that brands can do this. It can involve sponsoring a creator’s entire stream, centred around a specific game or subject, or getting ‘shoutouts’ throughout.

A more full-on option is to host a branded stream. This is when a hero Twitch creator hosts a stream alongside other micro Twitch creators. Anyone on their channels will then see a sponsored stream, increasing reach and engagement. These can work really well as it’s a way to establish a presence within the gaming community.

The final form of Twitch influencer marketing is through nightbot. This is when a text shoutout comes up in the chat on a loop, which can be done at intervals.

Then there are Twitch’s ad placements, which can be categorised by cross-screen video, desktop video, homepage carousel, homepage headliner, medium rectangle, mobile video, super leaderboard and surestream.

How do Twitch Influencer campaigns work with Goat?

First, we align with you on the goal and purpose of the campaign – what is it that we want to achieve? We’ll then build a strategy that enables us to reach these goals.

Using our proprietary database and additional market research, the Goat team will source Twitch streamers/creators based on campaign objectives and desired demographics. Our Campaigns team take full ownership of the creator management side of the campaign, from agreeing the terms with influencers and organising logistics surrounding content creation, to ensuring the content goes live and managing payments.

Alongside the Campaigns team, our Paid Social team will also manage any paid media activations, tracking the campaign from start to finish and ensuring we are on track to meet/supersede the agreed deliverables.

Following the campaign, we will provide our client with a full Post Campaign Analysis Report, providing insights, learnings and recommendations.

Throughout the whole process, you will have a dedicated Account Manager whose role is to oversee the entire account and be your first point of contact.

How much experience do the Goat team have with Twitch ads?

As an agency, Goat has been running Twitch campaigns since 2019. We have extensive experience on the platform, having run many campaigns for different clients across a variety of regions and verticals, including some of the world’s biggest game studios.

Will I get my own dedicated account manager?

Absolutely! Goat provides each client with their own dedicated account manager whose role is to oversee the entire process and campaign and to be your first point of contact.

What is the success rate of Twitch marketing?

The Goat Agency guarantees deliverables for our clients before the start of a campaign. So should we for any reason under deliver based on the agreed KPIs, we will continue to contract more influencers/content until we have met them. This means that our clients know exactly what they’re getting for their budget before committing.

How much of a say will I get as a client on my Twitch campaign?

Goat takes full responsibility for campaign execution, from influencer selection to content approval. However, we of course work with our clients to make sure all sides are fully comfortable with the strategy and approach before we begin. We ask you to fill in a briefing form which we can then discuss and ensure we’re aligned. We’ll then create an influencer brief that you can review before any outreach begins.

How do you pick Influencers for a Twitch campaign?

We have built an influencer database with information and data from the thousands of campaigns we’ve run on behalf of clients.

We use this database to quickly identify the influencers we think would be the best fit for a campaign. This could be based on their interests, their audience demographics, their engagement rates, or the types of content they create.

Alongside our own database, our team are constantly seeking out additional Twitch streamers and influencers, particularly those that are recently emerging or seeing steady growth.

Once we have a wide list, we’ll then hone in to choose the best influencers for this specific campaign.

How long does a Twitch campaign run for?

This will depend entirely on the budget and the objective.

For example, if launching a new product, it may be that the best strategy is to generate as much ‘noise’ as possible over a short period of time in the lead up to launch. On the other hand, a longer term brand building campaign may require months of always-on activity.

We will work with you to determine your goals and agree the best route for success.

How do Twitch ads work?

Cross-screen video is a Twitch advertising function that enables ads to play across several devices. Ad length can be 30 seconds (unskippable) or 60 seconds (mid-roll only).

Desktop video ads are integrated directly into live stream broadcasts and accessed via desktop. They can be feature as pre-roll or play during ad breaks.

Homepage carousel ads allow advertisers to promote live stream content on Twitch’s homepage, in one of the rotating carousel slots.

Medium rectangle ads show up as viewers scroll through Twitch content.

Mobile video ads are only available on streams broadcast via the Twitch mobile app.

Super leaderboard ads are banner images shown at the top of the screen, letting users stay engaged while they continue to scroll for more content.

Surestream ads are integrated into broadcasts as a layer.

Nightbot ads are a text shoutout that comes up in the chat on a loop. This can be shown at intervals.

What kinds of businesses is Twitch marketing best for?

Twitch marketing can work for any brand, regardless of size or sector. It’s all about how you use it.

Naturally, gaming studios and brands are a perfect fit for Twitch as you can have Twitch streamers reviewing games live on the platform. However, it really doesn’t need to just be gaming brands; in fact, we’ve seen incredible success for brands in beauty, fashion, tech and more!

It’s just making sure that you show up in the right way, with the right content and creator, and that the campaign feels authentic.

What are the main benefits for brands using Twitch?
  • Gen Z spend more time playing video games than they do on social media, watching television or listening to music. Many of these game enthusiasts are active on Twitch where they get to engage with other likeminded people and their favourite streamers, and get reviews and recommendations.
  • There are fewer brands on the platform in comparison to YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, meaning less noise and more chance of winning attention.
  • Partnering with Twitch influencers can be really simple; anything from a sponsored stream title or a brand placement within the stream itself. At the same time, brands can get creative by hosting their own live streams which is a great way of authentically integrating with niche communities.
  • Goat has extensive experience in Twitch influencer campaigns and we’ve seen incredible results, not just for our gaming studio clients, but for brands in other sectors as well.